Somewhat of an issue has developed from last weeks Commissioner meeting-Dec 15, 2010. Jay Hasse and Casey Sheridan met with us and asked about getting Jackets for all the volunteer firefighters as a recognition for their efforts. Without question the volunteers are more than deserving of  at least that much recognition. We asked about cost, which was estimated at around $2000.00. We have talked about the need for a Tender Truck-- additional ‘on sight’ water supply for the fire trucks-- for at least two years now. Jay, Casey, Chris Sorensen and others have all made good efforts toward obtaining grants for this equipment-- but to no avail. I wondered out loud if the money might be better used applying it toward  this truck and tank. Jay and Casey both said the truck would be a first priority. Here again comes the problem of no budget money for this. We can maybe scrape up something like $12,000 but the truck and tank can cost anywhere from $35,000.00 to $50,000.00.  Our firefighters, Sheriff’s personnel and emergency management personnel seem well agreed the water supply truck is very much needed.

            We do have a reserve or fund balance in Capital Outlay of about $207,000.00.

One of our budget goals is to maintain these reserves or add to them if at all possible. Part of the reason is to have funds available for that “rainy day” as well as for the general economic well being of the county.

            The question that comes to mind-- “Is this the “rainy day” for fire protection in the county?” It seems to me that expending money from this fund balance for this purpose would be justified.  The commissioners would be interested in comments from the public,

pro or con  or additional ideas along these lines.  


Kiowa County - Colorado

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