Minutes Oct 14 2010

Minutes Nov 24
Minutes Oct 28,2010
Minutes Oct 14 2010

Annual Salaries
Minutes 2010
December 2010 Vouchers
Commissioners meeting Nov.15



The Regular Meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Rodney Brown on October 14, 2010. Scott opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those attending were:

Rodney Brown, Commissioner

Donald Oswald, Commissioner

Richard Scott, Commissioner

Debra C. Lening, County Clerk

Peggy Dunlap, Administrator


Minutes from the September 29, 2010 Regular Meeting was read. Scott made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to approve the minutes as read. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

There was continued discussion on the Peters Gravel Pit expansion plan. A new lease including the expanded area was sent to the owner of the gravel pit. The owner is having her attorney review the lease and will have it back to Kiowa County before October 22.

No bids were received on Block 29 in the Town of Eads. Scott made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to re-advertise for bids on the property in an expanded advertising area. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

Oswald made the motion, seconded by Scott, to approve and sign the Courthouse Security Grant in the amount of $106,000 with no match from the County working toward a single point entry. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

Sharon Frazee met with the Commissioners regarding purchasing a kiln for the Eads Senior Citizens Center in the amount of $2,366 plus $200 freight. The two kilns they are currently using are obsolete and there are no longer parts available for repair. If one kiln goes down, there is no way of repairing it. This new kiln would be the same style kiln they now have, except newer. There is enough money in the budget to cover the purchase. There may not be funds available next year for the purchase. The Commissioners approved the purchase. Frazee also discussed Philanthropy Days. She said she talked to grant agencies that might be able to provide possible funding for later phases on the new Senior Citizens Center.

Oswald made the motion, seconded by Scott, to sign the AIA (American Institute of Architects) contract with Belinda Zink and Associates for the stabilization of the Murdock (Slater/Whitelaw) Building. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

Work continues on the Personnel Policy updates.

Information was received from the Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association regarding transmission lines. The packet of information is on file in the Commissioners’ office for public review.

Commissioner Scott sent a letter to Attorney Wendy Shinn regarding the right-of-way on the extension of County Road 63. The letter will be sent to the landowner involved.

The Commissioners had a conference call with Allen Chapman with CTSI regarding the County’s health insurance plan. Open enrollment is now. A representative will come to talk with the employees and let them know what their options are. What is being proposed is a $2,500 deductible with a Health Savings Account (HSA) provided by the County, or employees can buy up to a $1,000 deductible without an HSA.

Sheriff Frazee reported on a new drug being found in the schools referred to as “K2” or “Mom”. He feels this is a very dangerous mind altering drug, as there can be flash backs from the drug the day after it’s used and there have been reports of life altering affects and/or deaths. However, this drug is so new, it has not been labeled as an illegal substance at this time. Parents should be aware that it looks and smells a lot like potpourri. The Sheriff discussed the possibility of an ordinance to prohibit any mind altering substances from being used by anyone under the age of 21 years to protect our young people. The Commissioners will discuss this matter with the County Attorney before proceeding. They would also like the Sheriff to do more research on this substance.

Director of Emergency Management Chris Sorensen reported that Bent County would be sending proposals for revising by-laws for the All-Hazards Region board. The primary change expected was reducing the board from 16 members to six. The All-Hazards Region board oversees the Homeland Security grant for the region, and Bent County serves as the fiscal agent for grants funds. Sorensen asked if the Commissioners would support such a change, with an understanding that final documents would need to be reviewed before approval was formally granted. The commissioners indicated they would support such a change, and authorized Sorensen and Sheriff Forrest Frazee to express Kiowa County’s tentative support at the All-Hazards Region board meeting October 18.

The Commissioners Report was presented by Administrator Dunlap.

The vouchers were reviewed. Four vouchers were questioned. Vouchers were approved and signed.

The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

The Clerk’s report was reviewed and filed.

Rod Johnson contacted Commissioner Brown regarding Jackson Pond and would like a letter of support for ongoing Jackson Pond grants.

Dennis Pearson, Director of the Department of Social Services (DSS), met with the Commissioners to present the monthly report. Medicaid paid out $102,532 in August and $112,373 in September on behalf of Kiowa County residents. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Scott, to sign the annual Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Child and Adult Care Food Program Certificate and Statement of Authority & Truth Application. All Commissioners voted affirmative

Public Health Nurse Director Renay Crain met with the Commissioners regarding the Annual Contract for the (HCP) Handicap Children Program. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Scott, to sign the contract. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

The Commissioners continued discussion regarding the County’s health insurance plan. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Scott, to go with the three options, to wit:

Option 1: County paid plan for $2,500 deductible with a Health Savings Account (HSA)

Option 2: County will pay 93%, employee 7% for $1,000 deductible plan (HSA is not included with this option)

Option 3: County will pay 85%, employee 15% for $500 deductible plan (HSA is not included with this option)

All Commissioners voted affirmative. Offering these options is the only way the County can hold the line on health insurance to balance the budget. When the representative from CTSI comes, he will be able to explain each option more fully to each employee before they make their decision.

The Regular Meetings for the month of November will be the 15th and the 24th.

The next Regular Meeting will be held October 28, 2010.

With no further business, Scott made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to adjourn at 3:05 p.m. All Commissioners voted affirmative.


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