Minutes Feb 24,2011

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 The Regular Meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Richard Scott on February 24, 2011. Scott opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those attending were:

Richard Scott, Commissioner

William E. Koehler, Commissioner

Donald Oswald, Commissioner

Roland Sorensen, Deputy County Clerk

Peggy Dunlap, Administrator

Minutes from the February 9, 2011 Regular Meeting was read. Commissioner Koehler made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Oswald, to approve the minutes as read. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

Minutes from the February 17, 2011 Special Meeting was read. Commissioner Scott made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Koehler, to approve the minutes as read. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

The vouchers were reviewed. Six vouchers were questioned by the Commissioners and additional detailed information for the voucher was requested. Vouchers were approved and signed.

Chris Sorensen with Kiowa County Emergency Management met with the Commissioners to answer questions on the Kiowa County Severe Weather Plan. Plans are set up for communication between the fields to the office.  Plans for each facility were discussed and how a decision for each was determined. Commissioner Scott had a question on what it took to be considered a Storm Ready County and what advantages there was for the County.  Sorensen explained to the Commissioners what needed to be done in order to be considered storm ready.  There is an application to be filled out and submitted to be considered a Storm ready county. Commissioner Koehler suggested that weather monitoring needed to be done in the East and West ends of the County besides the Town of Eads. Commissioner Oswald made the suggestion to check with E.ON and CPV to see if they would be interested in putting a weather system into the Plainview School for monitoring the wind activity for purposed wind farms in that area. Commissioner Scott noted that a weather station in the school could be of great interest to the Students.  There was also discussion on a good location for the West end of the County. A location was not decided at this time for the West end of the County. All Commissioners want Chris to proceed with the plan.

Chris Rundel with Prairie Wind Energy LLC entered the meeting to talk to the Commissioners about a Transmission line for wind farms energy.  There was discussion of proposed transmission line from Lamar to North of Deer Trail or from Lamar North to Burlington. Xcel Energy and Tri State Generation & Transmission Association Inc want to raise Public awareness to the project and would like the Commissioners to add their support to a general letter for development of the Transmission line. The Commissioners would like to see the letter before any commitment would be made.

Due to the length of the agenda, the Commissioners have tabled several items and will have a Work Day on March 2, 2011 in order to discuss in depth the items tabled. No decision will be made on these items at the work session.

Rick, with John Deere met with the Commissioners to sign the contract to purchase two Graders and one loader. After receiving credit for the equipment being traded in the purchase price is $450,300. Delivery is expected late April or early May.

Denise Young with the Kiowa County Public Library met with the Commissioners to review the 2010 Library Report.  The County has 860 registered borrowers and had 6,092 visits last year.  The Library has 5 Public Access Computers that were used 1,284 times in 2010.  Denise’s report was very interesting and the Commissioners thanked Denise and the Library staff for their dedication and work for the Community.

Prairie Pines Assisted Living part time employee pay raises was discussed.  The Commissioners decided that at this time they will not change.

Vital Statistics training has now been completed.  The State will be picking up the vital statistic and putting them on the States computer. Commissioner Scott would like to see if the State will returned the documents to the County instead of destroying them.

The Commissioners discussed liability issues for the work being done on the Murdock building. The building liability is under the County insurance and the construction company is responsible for the insurance on their employee’s. There was also discussion on when and by whom the building inspections would be completed.

The Articles of Incorporation for Prairie Pines was discussed. 

John Marrin with Lamar Community College met with the Commissioners to update them on programs that the College is trying.  They have received a Title Three grant for sustainable energy. The College will have budget cuts next year of 14.9%. The College is offering a $1000 scholarship to every Senior in the area that is graduating this year if they will attend Lamar Community College in the Fall.

There is a ProCom seminar being offered in Pueblo on March 9, 2011.  Commissioner Scott made the motion to have Commissioner Oswald attend.  Commissioner Koehler seconded the motion.  All Commissioners voted Aye.

Commissioner Scott was designated as the County representative for the County Health Pool. Commissioner Oswald made the motion to accept the designation and Commissioner Koehler seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Aye.

The Colorado Hazard Control letter stating that the Commissioners felt the Murdock Building was unstable was sent to the State Historical Society.

The contract for the Archaeological Proposal for the Murdock was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Oswald to sign the proposal.  Commissioner Koehler seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Aye.

There was continued discussion on Tonya Lane’s position at Day Care. Tonya is being hired to Day Care as a transferred employee and as such her benefits should transfer with her.  Commissioner Oswald made the motion for Tonya’s benefits to transfer with her.  Commissioner Scott seconded the motion.  All Commissioners voted Aye.

The Sheriff’s report for January was signed and filed.

The Veterans report was reviewed.

The next Regular Meeting will be March 10, 2011.

With no further business, Commissioner Scott made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Oswald, to adjourn at 3:40 p.m. All Commissioners voted affirmative.


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