Minutes Jan 27

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 The Regular Meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Richard Scott on January 27, 2011. Oswald opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those attending were:

 Richard Scott, Commissioner

William E. Koehler, Commissioner

Donald Oswald, Commissioner

Debra C. Lening, County Clerk

Peggy Dunlap, Administrator

 Also attending the meeting as a visitor was Michelle Wyckoff.

 The vouchers were reviewed. One voucher was questioned. Vouchers were approved and signed.

 Transit van coordinator Carla Gifford met with the Commissioners to present them with her job description. She told them that the transit service is not the same service that it was when she first took it over, that it is much more involved than it had been. She feels that she supervises the operation, that she is not just a driver any longer. She feels that she should be compensated accordingly. There was discussion regard a salary exempt position. Krissy Ray entered the meeting to explain the definition of salary exempt and stated that Gifford’s position would not meet the criteria. The Commissioners said they would have to discuss this and get back with her at the next Regular Meeting. Administrator Dunlap reported to Gifford that the County received the Faster Grant for a new transit van. Gifford was delighted, stating that the other van was wearing out. Gifford also presented the new transit van fliers to the Commissioners.

 The Commissioners met with Sheriff Forrest Frazee acting as County Fire Marshall and Casey Sheridan regarding the tender truck for the fire department. Fire Chief Jay Haase was unable to attend the meeting. A VFA Fire Assistance Grant is being applied for through the Colorado State Forrest Service for a 3,000 gallon stainless steel tank. If the fire department can find a truck with a steel tank, the steel tank could be sold and replaced with the stainless steel tank. Sheridan asked where they were regarding the purchase of a tender truck. Commissioner Scott said they could possibly take $40,000 out of Capital Reserve to purchase the truck as they continue to search for one. He stated that the commissioners are committed to get this truck, but they will leave it up to the professionals that know exactly what they want and need. The grant should be decided within two weeks. The fire department has located a truck they are going to go look at. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to authorize Jay Haase or Casey Sheridan to purchase a tender truck with a minimum of a 3,000 gallon tank for no more than $40,000. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 The Commissioners questioned one of the Sheriff’s vouchers with the Sheriff and the matter was resolved. Sheriff Frazee also discussed needing to update the phone service in his office. A phone tree is being requested, but each office would have to contribute to it. He stated that $3,000 would buy 32 lines, which would be more than enough to cover the entire courthouse. They will do a feasibility study and get back with the Commissioners at the next Regular Meeting.

 Sheriff Frazee also reported that one of the deputies has left employment. His office is considering applying for a body armor grant. Also, his office needs to replace a Taser. If the surcharge through Model Traffic Code is approved, it would help pay for these types of items and additional training.

Prairie Pines Assisted Living Administrator Pam Weirich met with the Commissioners to continue discussion regarding the cell phone issue. She stated that she has trouble keeping up with one cell phone, much less two. She would prefer having part of her personal cell phone be paid for rather than having another cell phone. Commissioner Koehler said he felt that she still needs to have actual time off, and having her personal cell phone number being used for business would not allow for that to happen. Also, the Commissioners did not think that paying her cell phone bill would work. They would prefer that she have a second phone so her assistant could cover for her when she is supposed to be off for her own well being. The Commissioners will discuss this matter further at the next Prairie Pines Assisted Living meeting with the Board. Administrator Weirich reported that Prairie Pines had two new residents move in, making the total count 20, with one more coming in the first of next month. There is a waiting list of three at this time. The Commissioners thanked her for her concerns and for her hard work and dedication to her job.

Minutes from the January 11, 2011 Regular Meeting was read. Koehler made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to approve the minutes as corrected. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Denise Nelson met with the Commissioners regarding the start up expenses at Maine Street Retreat. The agreed rent was $400 per month, so her rent is paid up through March, 2011. She is trying to sell the toning tables and close the business. Administrator Dunlap told her the utilities were still outstanding, which Nelson  said she was aware of and would definitely get them paid. There was discussion regarding the fitness center business and sharing the space with Maine Street Retreat. There was extensive discussion regarding Nelson’s business and trying to make it successful. The Commissioners would like to discuss this matter further with her. They stated that they want to see her business succeed for her sake and for the community’s sake. They gave her some contact information and said they would also make some contacts to see how they could help.

 John Marrin, President of Lamar Community College (LCC), met with the Commissioners regarding two main items:


  1. The Pierre Auger Project display tank for Kiowa County – The research portion of the project was funded, so the display tank will be brought to Eads. Scientist will come and work with the schools to educate them on this project.

 2.       “WorkKeys” Program – WorkKeys® is a job skills assessment system that helps employers select, hire, train, develop, and retain a high-performance workforce. It is used by businesses to measure workplace skills of employees and job applicants and by schools and colleges to help prepare students for the workplace.The idea behind the program is to find out what makes an employee excellent at his or her job, set that as the criteria for hiring for that type of job and for training for that position. The college would like to work closely with all of the area schools to find students that could benefit from this program, helping reduce or eliminate drop-outs or help those who have already dropped out to get their GED, all while giving them good work skills and preparing them for the workplace. The program is to be driven by the schools. It is not designed to take students from the schools, but to help keep these students in school and graduate them.

Dennis Pearson, Director of the Department of Social Services (DSS) and Brenda Stoker met with the Commissioners. They asked for an executive session, due to personnel matters. Koehler made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to go into executive session for personnel matters. After some discussion, it was decided that executive session was not necessary and the motion was rescinded. Discussion was continued in open session. Stoker submitted her letter of resignation effective February 11, 2011 as case worker at DSS. Pearson stated that he needs to replace her. The process is a little more difficult as the position requires a bachelor’s degree in psychology, sociology or social work . Also the training academy takes two or three months to complete after hiring. Meanwhile, the office needs child welfare. The options are to advertise for the position (which could take a while), or to contract with one of the other case workers from a surrounding county, or to have Pearson cover it, as he is qualified, but does not have the time without reorganizing his office and using Hallie Cordova or Audrey Johnson as the case aide person. Commissioner Oswald asked if they were to go with a case aide, would the replacement person then ask for more pay. Pearson stated, “Probably.” Because of the wage the county is able to pay, it will be problematic finding a person with the required degree to come here to do the job. Commissioner Scott said it might be beneficial to advertise for the opening at the surrounding universities for a graduate student with the required degree. Meanwhile, Pearson will talk to Prowers County DSS to see if they can possibly contract with them. Case aide training would take two days. The case aide worker would answer to Pearson and would not be authorized to make final decisions. Stoker suggested that the Commissioners talk with Cordova and Johnson first to see if they would be interested in being a temporary part time person for this position before hiring a case worker. They might not want to go that route. Pearson said a case aide worker would probably be the quickest and least expensive way to go. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to contract with a surrounding county case worker for 90 days while continuing to advertise for a full time case worker. All Commissioners voted affirmative. The Commissioners will set up a work day to visit with Hallie Cordova and Audrey Johnson regarding the case aide position.

Michelle Wyckoff presented an ad from the Pueblo Chieftain to the Commissioners regarding transmission lines. As the Commissioners’ agenda was very full and they had not been able to get to the portion of the agenda that she was interested in, Wyckoff decided she would have to leave the meeting. The Commissioners told her that they made some calls and found out that the power company does not have to have a Conditional Use Permit before they file with the CPCN. They also wanted her to know that the State assessment office could not give any tax revenue estimates until July 1, 2011. Commissioner Scott  reported that compensation that landowners may receive could be larger than had been earlier reported.

The meeting continued through the lunch hour. Koehler made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to appoint Monica Uhland to the Central Kiowa County Recreation Board. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

The Commissioners would like for the ad on the Chanel 3 Advertisement to state that it is “PREFERRED” that people make an appointment to be on the agenda 4 days ahead of the Commissioners’ meeting as opposed to “REQUIRED.”

A letter has been drafted to send to the owner of the Brandon property that was recently burned for cleanup of the property to be completed by February 28, 2011. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to send such letter. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

The Zoning and Planning Committee was discussed. The Commissioners recommend that the Committee meet soon to go over the changes regarding the transmission lines. Administrator Dunlap will contact the members to set up a meeting.

Commissioner Oswald reported that USDA is requiring an Option to Purchase Agreement between Prairie Pines and the Building Corp as they continue to move forward with the buyout process.

Commissioner Oswald reported on activities from SCEDD. He also reported that Sage Services will shorten drivers’ time by 30 minutes per shift to save money.

Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to adopt a resolution opposing the proposed low level military training flights over Kiowa County. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

Belinda Zink and others met with the Commissioners regarding the Pre-Construction Meeting for the Murdock Building Project. Those in attendance were: Architect Belinda Zink with Belinda Zink and Associates; General Contractor Kevin Murry with Empire Carpentry, LLC; Bob Ogle from LCC and partners from Colorado Hazard Control Chris Lehman and Danaya Beaver; and Erika Warzel with the State Historical Fund. Jane Daniels with Colorado Preservation Inc. entered the meeting at 1:30 p.m.

Zink stated the first thing needing to be done was signing the contract with an edit on page 4, Article 4, crossing out the statement, “Payment shall be made to Allstar Financial Group, Inc., the performance bond provider.” Oswald made the motion, seconded by Scott, to sign the contract with the edit with Empire Carpentry LLC. Oswald and Scott vote aye; Koehler voted nay. Motion carried.

Jeanne Sorensen entered the meeting as a visitor.

Zink presented the Performance Bond for the project and started going through the outline for the meeting.

Contractor Murry presented his running schedule. He intends on starting Monday. They will deal with the asbestos abatement first. They will start putting things back together February 21st, depending on the asbestos removal. Asbestos abatement can not start until the second week of February. The contractor will start stabilizing to make it safe for the asbestos removal team. The Commissioners requested that the contractor purchase as much of the building materials locally as possible. Murry said he would contact NAPA here in Eads to discuss the matter.

Contractor Murry stated that roofing should start sometime between April 1st and April 15th.

The masons for the project, Bart Baker and Jose Garcia, entered the meeting at 2:10 p.m.

There was further conversation regarding the project. The project team will meet tomorrow to go over more details.

Road & Bridge Supervisor Allen Wade Watts met with the Commissioners regarding purchasing a gooseneck trailer to haul vehicles for repair and for hauling iron or culverts. He stated that he had to borrow a trailer from an individual to haul a vehicle for repair and he didn’t think that was good practice for the County. He stated that he had called several trailer dealers for prices and presented the list to the Commissioners. There was discussion regarding the size of the largest transit van. Watts said he would measure the van to make sure the trailer’s dimensions would accommodate the van. He will also find out what size iron is used on the trailer and will report back.

Watts also discussed personnel issues.

The Sheriff’s report for January was signed and filed.

The Veterans report was reviewed.

 Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to sign the Police Service Agreement with the Town of Eads. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

Commissioner Koehler presented information from the CCI new commissioner training.

The Commissioners directed Administrator Dunlap to contact the Weisbrod Hospital for monthly financial statements and the yearly audit per the Hospital Agreement, Sections 10 & 12.

 The Commissioners received a request from Robert Weber to put two water lines across County Rd Z. Koehler made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to approve the water lines crossing County Rd Z with these requirements:


  1. Markers to each side of road at bore points
  2. Encase main line within 2” schedule 80 to both edges of road right of way (assuming 1 ¼ “ line is used)
  3. Clearly draw placements of lines on map

 All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Designation of CCI 2011 Steering Committee Proxy was tabled for further information.

 There are no members from Kiowa County on the Board of Directors for Action 22. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to appoint Richard Scott and William Koehler to the Board for 2010-2011. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Commissioner Koehler was appointed to the Colorado Workforce during the Reorganizational Meeting. The Commissioners signed a letter to Colorado Workforce to make the appointment official.

 The Commissioners reviewed equipment bids for a loader and a grader. The Commissioners will meet at a later date with the road supervisors and the equipment salesmen to discuss further before any decisions are made.

 The next Regular Meeting will be held February 9, 2011.

With no further business, Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to adjourn at 4:38 p.m. All Commissioners voted affirmative.


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