Minutes Feb 9 2011

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The Regular Meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Richard Scott on February 9, 2011. Scott opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those attending were:


Richard Scott, Commissioner

William E. Koehler, Commissioner

Donald Oswald, Commissioner

Debra C. Lening, County Clerk

Peggy Dunlap, Administrator

Minutes from the January 27, 2011 Regular Meeting was read. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to approve the minutes as corrected, changing “drivers” to “cooks” in the discussion regarding Sage Services. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 The vouchers were reviewed. Three vouchers were questioned. Vouchers were approved and signed.

 Area Extension Director Jean Justice had a conference call with the Commissioners. She wanted to know if the County was satisfied with their service. She also asked if the County was pleased with Wilma Trujillo’s performance. The Commissioners assured her that they were satisfied with both. Administrator Dunlap said they need to make sure the Extension office is opened during regular working hours from 8:00 to 4:30, with one hour off for lunch, stating that some citizens had come in to find the office closed and no note was posted stating why. Justice said she would check into this matter. Justice wanted the Commissioners to know that she is retiring as of April 1, 2011. She feels that her position will be filled, but it is undecided at this time. After April 1, she will continue to work one day a week for 3-4 months, but not more than 6 months, while waiting for a replacement. She also reported that $417 per quarter will be credited to each county until her position is filled starting in the second quarter.

 The starting salary for the DSS Child Welfare Case Worker was discussed. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to offer $14.25 for the 90 day probationary period, then $14.50 for the remaining 9 months, and $15.00 after the first year. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 A new employee was hired at Daycare to fill the cook’s position. This was advertised as a part time position. The Commissioners talked with the employee regarding this matter. She was told by the Daycare Supervisor that it would be a full time position, as she would be the cook part time and then work in a classroom the rest of the time each day. There was continued discussion since the classroom opening was not advertised.

 Sheriff Forrest Frazee and Emergency Management Coordinator Chris Sorensen met with the Commissioners to discuss protocol when there is a blizzard or other weather issues or emergencies. Sorensen discussed Code Red Reverse 911, where citizens can be notified that the Courthouse is closed due to weather. The Commissioners could contact Sorensen or the Sheriff’s office to launch the calls. If they can’t be contacted, 911 Dispatch could be contacted directly. Sorensen will start the process and will present the plan to the Commissioners. He presented a template of a Disaster Declaration Resolution Declaring Local Disasters for the Commissioners to review, stating that it is a good tool to use during severe weather. It’s a work in progress. Sorensen told the Commissioners to feel free to add anything they thought was missing from the template as they review it.

 The County is looking at replacing some Road and Bridge loaders and road graders. Dan Tafoya and Jim Schmitt from Power Motive Corporation (PMC) met with the Commissioners and the three Road Foremen to discuss the Komatsu equipment proposal. They met later with Rick Reed from Colorado Machinery to discuss the John Deere equipment proposal. Both Companies will send more information and the Commissioners will discuss this matter further in a work session before making any decisions.

 The Commissioners will interview applicants for the Road and Bridge opening on Tuesday, February 15th.

 The Commissioners will hold a Special Meeting and work session February 17th, starting at 9:00 a.m. regarding equipment purchases and other matters that may come before the Board.

 Sharon Pearson met with the Commissioners regarding her website, wanting to know if the Commissioners intended on utilizing her site. She stated that she didn’t really see a need for two sites for Kiowa County, but if they wanted to send information to her to put on, she would be happy to do so. The Commissioners stated that they would like information to be posted on both websites. Pearson said that was acceptable to her.

Dennis Pearson, Director of the Department of Social Services (DSS) and Hallie Cordova and Audrey Johnson met with the Commissioners regarding the case aide discussion. Pearson received a contract from Baca County DSS for the Child Welfare Case Worker coverage for 90 days to help cover for now. Pearson is recommending that both ladies go to case aide training so that either of them could help fill in. Commissioner Koehler said with the pay increase they were requesting, it was out of the question, that in addition to the part time coverage of the Child Welfare Case Worker from another county, that it would be a 12 ½% increase in the DSS Budget. Commissioner Scott asked how these two ladies would be able to do their job plus cover Brenda Stoker’s full time position. Commissioner Koehler stated that Pearson would be requesting another part time person to fill the gap for either of these two ladies before long. Commissioner Scott asked if they could keep the Child Welfare time separate from their regular time, but the ladies stated that that would be an administrative nightmare. Commissioner Koehler said his feeling was to go with the contract with Baca County and not bother with the case aides. There was discussion regarding the training sessions and when they would be able to take the training and whether they could work as a case aide before taking the training or not. Pearson stated that he wanted the ladies trained a soon as possible for their own peace of mind. He also stated that due to State and Federal laws, he has no choice in some of these matters and that Child Welfare MUST be covered one way or another or else the County will be out of compliance. Cordova and Johnson were asking for $7.00 additional pay. Commissioner Scott asked if the amount was negotiable and they stated that it was. Commissioners Koehler stated again that at the end of the 90 days, Pearson would want to hire another part time person. Pearson stated that he wouldn’t know if an additional person was needed or not until they could see how the case load looked down the line. Commissioner Oswald offered $2.00 additional pay for the case aides for 90 days. Cordova stated that her bottom line was $5.00 additional. Commissioner Koehler said that was a 42% increase and there was no way he would vote for that. Commissioner Scott said he was thinking in the neighborhood of $3.00. Cordova stated that they would be taking on a lot of stress and a lot more responsibility and she didn’t think the $2.00 increase would be worth it. Johnson wanted to know when the increase would take affect, would it be now or after the training or just exactly when. Stoker’s last day is February 11th, so this increase would take affect February 11, 2011.

 After further discussion, Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to offer Cordova and Johnson an additional $2.50 for working as case aides for DSS for 90 days or until they hire a Child Welfare Case Worker, starting February 11th. All Commissioners voted affirmative. This will be reviewed again in 90 days. Commissioner Scott would like to know what this is going to look like budget wise. Oswald asked that they document how much time they are actually spending as case aides for their benefit as well as the County’s. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to accept and sign the contract with Baca County DSS for Child Welfare Case Worker coverage for 90 days. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Pearson presented the Medicaid Report for December, 2010. Medicaid paid out $103,778 in December on behalf of Kiowa County residents. Pearson also stated that the Federal Government has changed how child support collections are handled. Due to these changes, the payments have decreased 50% for the State, but only 2% for Kiowa County.

 The Commissioners discussed the Daycare employee situation with Pearson. Pearson said Supervisor Leonard was filling two jobs with one person, but Commissioner Koehler said that combined position was not advertised for. Daycare needs to advertise for these openings before she can fill them. The cook’s position was last advertised in November as a part time position, but no Daycare classroom position was advertised. This situation is not the new employee’s fault. However, the employee will be starting over as a new county hire and benefits will not start until after the 90 day probationary period in the new position. Scott made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to offer the position to Tonya Lane as full time for the two part time positions at Daycare. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Jeanne Sorensen met with the Commissioners regarding her website information. The Commissioners explained to her that they will be sending the same information to both websites. Sorensen said that was acceptable, also.

 Koehler made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to leave the transit coordinator’s salary the same at this time due to budget constraints. All Commissioners voted affirmative. There had been questions as to what that position’s title should be. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, that the official title of the transit coordinator be the Transit Coordinator. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Policy on vacation time was briefly discussed. It was tabled and will be further discussed at a later date.

The job description for Road and Bridge foremen was discussed. A job description was acquired from another county for review. The Commissioners will make changes to fit Kiowa County and will review again at a later date.

 The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

 The Clerk’s report was reviewed and filed.

 The lease between the Building Corp and the County was tabled.

 The DOLA Grant contract for Emergency Management for Kiowa County All Hazard Weather Radios was received. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to sign the DOLA Grant contract. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 The Ordinance for Model Traffic Code was reviewed by the attorney. Discussion was tabled until a later date.

 The Commissioners reviewed the Liaison Report for Chief Judges.

 The Commissioners would like to meet with all elected officials and department heads quarterly to find out what their needs and concerns are for their respective departments. They will send out a schedule to meet with them.

The next Regular Meeting will be February 24, 2011.

 With no further business, Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to adjourn at 5:12 p.m. All Commissioners voted affirmative.


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